29-601 Definitions
29-602 Limited liability company name
29-603 Reservation of name
29-604 Known place of business and statutory agent to be maintained
29-605 Change of known place of business, statutory agent or statutory agent’s street address
29-605.01 Change of address of a member or manager
29-606 Service of process on limited liability company
29-607 Records to be kept; inspection rights of members
29-608 Business transactions of member or manager with limited liability company
29-609 Purpose; insurance business
29-610 General powers of a domestic limited liability company
29-611 Powers of commission
29-612 Interrogatories by the commission; information disclosed by interrogatories
29-613 Interrogatory or signature violations; limited liability company records; classification
29-614 Certificate of good standing
29-615 Certificate of good standing; license and registration renewal