Ultra Health, LLC, sued Healing Healthcare 3, Inc. (Rocky Pahwa’s nonprofit corporation) and Scan4Health, LLC. See Ultra Health, LLC’s Verified Complaint and Application for Restraining Order and Preliminary and Permanent Injunction.  The basis of the lawsuit is a Joint Venture Agreement between the parties.  At a hearing on March 14, 2014, Judge Herrod asked the parties for evidence as to who has a license to own and operate an Arizona medical marijuana dispensary.  The defendants gave the judge the letter dated March 14, 2014, from the Arizona Department of Health Services, which states “AZDHS can confirm that it does not recognize Ultra Health, LLC as a holder of this or any other dispensary registration certificate.”

Ultra Health, LLC, amended its Complaint in the above-referenced lawsuit to add Holistic Patient Wellness Group, LLC, as a defendant.  HPWG is a client of my law firm, KEYTLaw, LLC.